Tuesday, 4 July 2017

I'm a teacher!

So last Friday I went to Uni for the last time: to collect my certificate. I passed. I qualified. I'm a teacher at last!
It's been nearly four years since I made the big leap. But how different my life is now. 

Yesterday I enjoyed my first day off (no school now until September besides the odd day here and there).  I took my Mum to Reading. We browsed. We ate. We argued with the rude staff in Zara. Then went to White Stuff instead.  Later the pleasure of being able to actually collect Dylan from school at 3:15 and then a nice hour at the park with his bike. Later some relaxing and cooking at home and making a few plans for the weekend. I'm going to see my favourite band U2! Cannot wait ...  It's my present to myself for passing all my training.  
Things are good.  It's been a long long road but I'm feeling happy.